On her rounds
Nurse Caswell trained to become a midwife at the Simpson Memorial Maternity Pavillion (1961) in Edinburgh after completing general training at Shotley Bridge Hospital, County Durham (1957-60). She also worked as a staff nurse at Shotley Bridge General Hospital on the Orthapaedic Ward before deciding to train as a midwife.
All domiciliary midwives were expected to to be able to drive and we taught by the bus inspector Mr Wilson at the Edinburgh Corporation. The car they were given was a Ford Popular.

“One day I parked the car in Princess Street one time and someone came running after me to ask me to park their car because they thought I was a Jenner’s driver!”
“On another occasion I was struggling to park the car and was driving in and out and in and out. Finally I got it parked and two policemen came over and said “We were going to give you two more minute and then offer to lift it in”. I couldn’t park then and I can’t park now!”
Once trained she worked as a midwife 1962-1967 working both at Southhouse and Niddrie. Her title was now Sister Caswell.