Elizabeth and the team saw a wild tortoise in the Ogaden desert and somewhat perplexingly sat on it for a photo. The shell of the tortoise was bleached from the sun, there was no pattern to the shell, it felt like sand paper.
My amazing mum was part of the British Red Cross Emergency Rescue team who went out to Ethiopia in 1974, during a terrible famine. Here she is in a ‘pop up’ clinic, in the middle of the Danakil desert (the hottest place on earth). Dandakil Desert, Ethiopia. July 1974…
To:Chier Delegate, Addis Abab From: Team Leader, BRCS Medical Team Jijiga Date: August 12 1974 Subject: Survey of the activities of the BRCS Team in Jijiga March 26 - August 8, 1974 Survey-of-the-Activities-of-the-BRCS-Team-12081974Download
This poem was written by the ambulance driver David Ellaway and was read out by Eamon Andrews on 'This is Your Life'. The Baja Boy is dying, that’s what they said to me,And they took me by the hand and led me there to see.To where he sat on seat…
Sister Caswell surprised her friend and colleague, British Red Cross ambulance driver David Ellaway on ‘This is Your Life’ (Season 26 Episode 8) back in 1985. Presenter: Eamonn Andrews. David thought that he was 'in on the secret' and that the man sitting beside him was the one about to…